Policy and research
ActionAid carries out research and policy analysis in order to influence development debates and push for policy changes that will lead to lasting change for women and girls in poor countries. Learn about our policy positions on three key issues: violence against women and girls, women’s rights in emergencies, and women’s economic rights. Browse our publication and research library, and stay up to date with our programme evaluations.
Research and publications
Here you’ll find our full policy and research publication library, containing all ActionAid’s published briefings, reports, letters, statements, guides and evaluations on the issues we work on. All free to download.
Ending violence against women and girls (VAWG)
ActionAid works to end violence against women and girls and protect women's rights: our policy and research enables us to make recommendations for change to ensure gender equality and women's empowerment.
Protecting women’s rights in emergencies
We call for women’s leadership to be recognised and urge renewed commitment to promote a humanitarian architecture that advances and protects women’s rights.
Women’s economic rights
How policy-makers can address the root causes of women's economic inequality to ensure women can have good jobs without carrying the burden of unpaid care.